This is an assurance to all that I am eating normally. For the record, I had 重庆 steamboat last evening and it's a first.
Today marks the 40th day of my bewildering diet! Rule of replacement -- I just need to take my focus away on why I shouldn't eat this and that, and be happy about the goodness I am putting in my mouth. That reminds me I should start applying the same rule in the other areas of my life.
It works pretty well so far except that I caught the bug a second time since and the cold weather must bear some responsibility. I mean I deal with a nose allergy occasionally but that's not flu nor cold. Wish spring can arrive sooner.
*sings This is the song that doesn't end...*
At the end of the day I actually popped a sample piece of Valrhona dark chocolate and I must consider that a reward for myself ;P And by the way, my face may look small but not exactly round because I do have a chin, you know?