What goes in... and out

I realize after I hit the big three, some things have changed and they aren't really intentional.

Within my circle of influence, I am the so-called pharmacist for head, nose, throat, stomach-related symptoms because I self-medicate, and because I hate seeing doctors except for that sheet of paper they sign on when I badly need it.

After getting acquainted with my new gal friend V, I now pill pop even more. Seven is the numero.

For the lack of nutrients in my diet especially if I eat out more than I stay home for mom's cooking, supplements is the way to go for a maturing, aging, health freak, whatever you would like to call me. But little do I know that "heatiness" (Chinese calls it) created by the supplements in my body accounts for my easy irritability, higher body temperature for the past two months, and the erratic climate makes it worse!

Good and bad cholesterol run high in my system and so I have to reduce my intake of my typical favorites like prawns, chicken rice, cheesecake. Ugh! Having said that, I am also known to be the one taking "rabbit food" (raw carrots, celery, capsicum, lettuce) and being a water freak - I drink a minimal of two daily liters of H20 and I get cursed at when I nag at people to do the same. Oh, and I drink lotsa milk too.

Idea for breakfast: Mix raw rolled oats and Anlene milk powder together... That's probably a way I could get my mom to increase her intake of calcium, fiber with a whole load of goodness. How cool's that? For variety, you can keep the high sodium content cornflakes or opt for bran that is lower in Glycemic Index (GI).

Next step: I have to convince myself and decide what kind of exercise I should be regularly embark on. I am a yoga backslider but my love for it has never died. Short of attending regular classes, I still pull and stretch whenever my body is idle for strength and posture. Alright, I know yoga ain't really consider exercise... Hmmmm, maybe I should just start brisk walking for now?